per le persone che soffrono o vogliono prevenire le malattie cardiovascolari
martedì 13 aprile 2021
Ischemic stroke in a patient with interatrial block: Is it only a coincidence or a clear relationship?
Ischemic stroke in a patient with interatrial block: Is it only a coincidence or a clear relationship?: Atrial fibrillation (AF) can be detected in nearly 25% of all patients with stroke by sequentially combining different electrocardiographic methods. Prediction of early cardio-embolic stroke remain a permanent challenge in everyday practice. The early identification of an increased risk for atrial fibrillation episodes (which are frequently asymptomatic) is essential for the prevention of cardioembolic events. One of the noninvasive modalities of atrial fibrillation prediction is represented by the electrocardiographic P-wave analysis. This includes study and diagnosis of interatrial conduction block. Our short case report presents a case with ischemic cortico-sottocortical stroke involving capsulo and caudo regions in a woman patient with interatrial block as realized by electrocardiographic P analysis.
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